Alex is a 16 years old French boy, who completed the marathon of the French Championship in 1 hour and 54 minutes in 2023 and ended at the 12th position (all ages included) in the unlimited race.
He secured the 2nd place (all ages included) for the 400m race and also achieved the 2nd place (all ages included) in the 30m wheel walk race. Additionally, he earned 9 other medals, but they were only for his age group.
He performed well during the last world championship:
– He is part of the basket junior world champion team;
– He earned 2nd place in his category for the 400m and 800m races;
– He earned 2nd place in his category for the 10km standard race, 10th worldwide best performance of all ages from this 2022 Unicon;
– He completed the marathon in 1hour and 45 minutes with his Hunirex.